I'm coming from React/Redux, am I missing something really stupid ?
Changes are in the AddItem dispatch part, only that. CASE 1: not working as expected, every new item keeps updating with the successors uuid and remains bound to the NgModel input
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
shoppingItems$: Observable<Array<ShoppingItem>>;
newShoppingItem: ShoppingItem = {
id: uuid(),
name: ''
constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.shoppingItems$ = this.store.select(store => store.shopping);
addItem(name: string) {
this.newShoppingItem.id = uuid();
this.store.dispatch(new AddItemAction(this.newShoppingItem));
removeItem(id: string) {
this.store.dispatch(new RemoveItemAction(id));
Html part (remains the same for the second case as well)
<form (ngSubmit)="addItem()">
<button type="submit">SUBMIT</button>
<li *ngFor="let item of shoppingItems$ | async" (click)="removeItem(item.id)">
{{ item.id }} - {{ item.name }}
import {
} from '../actions/shopping.actions';
import { ShoppingItem } from './../models/shopping-item.model';
const initialState: Array<ShoppingItem> = [
id: 'Ok Bro',
name: 'Mauro'
export function ShoppingReducer(
state: Array<ShoppingItem> = initialState,
action: ShoppingAction
) {
switch (action.type) {
case ShoppingActionsTypes.ADD_ITEM:
return [...state, action.payload];
case ShoppingActionsTypes.REMOVE_ITEM:
return state.filter(item => item.id !== action.payload);
return state;
CASE 2: working correctly
addItem(name: string) {
this.newShoppingItem.id = uuid();
this.store.dispatch(new AddItemAction(this.newShoppingItem));
this.newShoppingItem = {
id: '',
name: ''
When you dispatch the action, you keep a reference to the form model.
The following should work:
this.store.dispatch(new AddItemAction({...this.newShoppingItem}));