I was studying bitwise operators and they make sense until the unary ~one's complement is used with them. Can anyone explain to me how this works?
For example, these make sense however the rest of the computations aside from these do not:
1&~0 = 1 (~0 is 1 -> 1&1 = 1)
~0^~0 = 0 (~0 is 1 -> 1^1 = 0)
~1^0 = 1 (~1 is 0 -> 0^1 = 1)
~0&1 = 1 (~0 is 1 -> 1&1 = 1)
~0^~1 = 1 (~0 is 1, ~1 is 0 -> 1^0 = 1)
~1^~1 = 0 (~1 is 0 -> 0^0)
The rest of the results produced are negative(or a very large number if unsigned) or contradict the logic I am aware of. For example :
0&~1 = 0 (~1 = 0 therefor 0&0 should equal 0 but they equal 1)
~0&~1 = -2
~1|~0 = -1
etc. Anywhere you can point me to learn about this?
They actually do make sense when you expand them out a little more. A few things to be aware of though:
Bitwise AND yields a 1 only when both bits involved are 1. Otherwise, it yields 0. 1 & 1 = 1, 0 & anything = 0.
Bitwise OR yields a 1 when any of the bits in that position are a 1, and 0 only if all bits in that position are 0. 1 | 0 = 1, 1 | 1 = 1, 0 | 0 = 0.
Signed numbers are generally done as two's complement (though a processor does not have to do it that way!). Remember with two's complement, you invert and add 1 to get the magnitude when the highest bit position is a 1.
Assuming a 32-bit integer, you get these results:
0 & ~1 = 0 & 0xFFFFFFFE = 0
~0 & ~1 = 0xFFFFFFFF & 0xFFFFFFFE = 0xFFFFFFFE (0x00000001 + 1) = -2
~1 | ~0 = 0xFFFFFFFE & 0xFFFFFFFF = 0xFFFFFFFF (0x00000000 + 1) = -1