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Send multiple parameters to flask-restplus

When creating an API that takes one argument from the request, I use this code:

class test(Resource):
    def get(self,id):
        return id

api.add_resource(test, '/endpoint/<int:id>')

What would I do if I need it to take multiple parameters?

I'm using python 3 and flask-restplus.

Any help is very appreciated!

BR Kresten


  • Flask-RESTPlus provides documentation for things that are unique to it. Everything other is documented in Flask, since Flask-RESTPlus is built on top of Flask.

    In Flask (and Flask-RESTPlus of course ), you can use Variable Rules. And you can use it as many as you like:

    class Test(Resource):
        def get(self, name, surname, age):
            return name + surname + str(age)
    api.add_resource(Test, '/endpoint/<string:name>/<string:surname>/<int:age>')

    But, consider using query arguments with RequestParser1 .