Search code examples

How can I convert a result into a list of variables that I can use as an input?

I was able to come up with these two parts, but I'm having trouble linking them.

Part 1 - This accepts a filter which is listed as 'project = status = blocked'. This will list all issue codes that match the filter and separate them line by line. Is it necessary to convert the results into a list? I'm also wondering if it converts the entire result into one massive string or if each line is a string.

issues_in_project = jira.search_issues(
    'project = status = Blocked'

issueList = list(issues_in_project)

search_results = '\n'.join(map(str, issueList))


Part 2 - Right now, the jira.issue will only accept an issue code one at a time. I would like to use the list generated from Part 1 to keep running the code below for each and every issue code in the result. I'm having trouble linking these two parts.

issue = jira.issue(##Issue Code goes here##)

print(issue.fields.summary + " - " +
print("Description: " + issue.fields.description)
print("Reporter: " + issue.fields.reporter.displayName)
print("Created on: " + issue.fields.created)


  • Part 1

    'project = status = Blocked' is not a valid JQL. So first of all, you will not get a valid result from calling jira.search_issues('project = status = Blocked').

    The result of jira.search_issues() is basically a list of jira.resources.Issue objects and not a list of string or lines of string. To be correct, I should say the result of jira.search_issues() is of type jira.client.ResultList, which is a subclass of python's list.

    Part 2

    You already have all the required data in issues_in_project if your JQL is correct. Therefore, you can loop through the list and use the relevant information of each JIRA issue. For your information, jira.issue() returns exactly one jira.resources.Issue object (if the issue key exists).


    ... # initialize jira
    issues_in_project = jira.search_issues('status = Blocked')
    for issue in issues_in_project: