I have 4 files with the same csv header as following
But I only required data from Column2,Column3,Column4
for import the data into SQL database using BCP
. I am using the PowerShell to select the columns that I want and import the required data using BCP
but my powershell executed with no error and there are not data updated in my database table. May I know how to set the BCP
to import the output from Powershell to database table. Here are my powershell script
$filePath = Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\test\*' -Include $filename
$desiredColumn = 'Column2','Column3','Column4'
foreach($file in $filePath)
write-host $file
$test = import-csv $file | select $desiredColumn
write-host $test
$action = bcp <myDatabaseTableName> in $test -T -c -t";" -r"\n" -F2 -S <MyDatabase>
These are the output from the powershell script
@{column2=111;column3=222;column4=333} @{column2=444;column3=555;column4=666}
@{column2=777;column3=888;column4=999} @{column2=aaa;column3=bbb;column4=ccc}
First off, you can't update a table with bcp
. It is used to bulk load data. That is, it will either insert new rows or export existing data into a flat file. Changing existing rows, usually called as updating, is out of scope for bcp
. If that's what you need, you need to use another a tool. Sqlcmd
works fine, and Powershell's got Invoke-Sqlcmd
for running arbitary TSQL statements.
Anyway, the BCP utility has notoriously tricky syntax. As far as I know, one cannot bulk load data by passing the data as parameter to bcp
, a source file must be used. Thus you need to save the filtered file and pass its name to bcp
Exporting a filtered CSV is easy enough, just remember to use -NoTypeInformation
switch, lest you'll get #TYPE Selected.System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
as your first row of data. Assuming the bcp
arguments are well and good (why -F2
though? And Unix newlines?).
Stripping double quotes requires another an edit to the file. Scrpting Guy has a solution.
foreach($file in $filePath){
write-host $file
$test = import-csv $file | select $desiredColumn
# Overwrite filtereddata.csv, should one exist, with filtered data
$test | export-csv -path .\filtereddata.csv -NoTypeInformation
# Remove doulbe quotes
(gc filtereddata.csv) | % {$_ -replace '"', ''} | out-file filtereddata.csv -Fo -En ascii
$action = bcp <myDatabaseTableName> in filtereddata.csv -T -c -t";" -r"\n" -F2 -S <MyDatabase>
Depending on your locale, column separator might be semicolon, colon or something else. Use -Delimiter '<character>'
switch to pass whatever you need or change bcp
's argument.
Erland's got a helpful page about bulk operations. Also, see Redgate's advice.