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How can I force the Route with .html and id?

I wanna force the Route with .html and a 32 length id.

For example, here is the URL:


I want it when there is no id parameter in the URL or the length of id is not 32, it returns 404 status code.

Here is the controller:

namespace V.Controllers
    public class ReController : Controller
        public IActionResult test(string id)
            return View();

After I ran the code, it always reports 404 status code.

What's wrong with my route?


  • I don't think you can specify query string parameters in the route. Try validating the id in the action, or if you can change the route, add it as an additional segment.

        public class ReController : Controller
            public IActionResult test(string id)
                if (id == null || id.Length != 32)
                    return NotFound();
                return Json(new {id= id});
            public IActionResult test2(string id)
                return Json(new {id= id});

    See: Microsoft Docs