I want to use PSO in the following structure:
lb = [-10,-15];
ub = [15,20];
options = optimoptions('particleswarm','SwarmSize',100,'HybridFcn',@fmincon);
rng default % For reproducibility
nvars = 2;
x = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub)
Where fun is saved in other script with the following structure
function y = fun(x)
y = x(1)*exp(-norm(x)^2);
But it is not working. I can see that PSO work if I save fun in the same code:
lb = [-10,-15];
ub = [15,20];
fun = @(x)x(1)*exp(-norm(x)^2);
options = optimoptions('particleswarm','SwarmSize',100,'HybridFcn',@fmincon);
rng default % For reproducibility
nvars = 2;
x = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub)
But this is not what I am looking for. I am looking for applying swarm in a function saved in another script. How could I make PSO work in this sense?
Just add an @
x = particleswarm(@fun,nvars,lb,ub)
This makes sure that you are giving the optimizer the handle to the function fun
, and not evaluate the function without any input parameters. See the Matlab docs on function handles.