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Quasiquotation with data.table

I'm trying to wrap my head around quasiquotation so that I could use it together with a data.table call. Here is an example:

dt <- data.table(col1 = 1:10, col2 = 11:20)

dt[, col1]

If I wanted to wrap this into function, how would I do this? I tried:

foo <- function(dt, col) {
  col <- quo(col)

  expr(dt[, !!col1])

foo(dt, col1)

But get Error in enexpr(expr) : object 'col1' not found. I assume I'm missing some steps as data.table evaluates this differently than dplyr.


  • You want to capture the column name as a symbol with

    col <- ensym(col)

    rather than quo() and then use

    expr(dt[, !!col])

    (not col1 which doesn't exist there) but that will just return an expression. If you want to evaluated it, you'd need

    eval_tidy(expr(dt[, !!col]))

    But really the quasinotation stuff works best in the tidyverse and not with data.table functions natively. The "data.table" way might be more like something in this existing question: Pass column name in data.table using variable. data.table very much prefers strings to symbols.