I successfully implemented PageView within SwiftUI via thread:
How to implement PageView in SwiftUI?
Passing in multiple Views via an Array works like a charm, as long as all views are of the same struct.
PageView([TestView(), TestView()])
However, I'd like to pass in different views.
PageView([TestView(), AnotherView(), DifferentView()])
All views are of SwiftUI type:
struct NAME : View { code }
When I try to add different structs to an array I get the following error message:
var pageViewViewArray = [TestView(), AnotherView(), DifferentView()]
Heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional.
Insert' as [Any]
By casting it to:
var pageViewViewArray = [TestView(), AnotherView(), DifferentView()] as! [Any]
PageView will say:
Protocol type 'Any' cannot conform to 'View' because only concrete types can conform to protocols
I'll greatly appreciate any ideas.
Try using type erasure by casting every view to AnyView
var pageViewViewArray: [AnyView] = [AnyView(TestView()), AnyView(AnotherView()), AnyView(DifferentView())]