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Is there an explanation when spark-csv won't save a DataFrame to file?

dataFrame.coalesce(1).write().save("path") sometimes writes only _SUCCESS and ._SUCCESS.crc files without an expected *.csv.gz even on non-empty input DataFrame

file save code:

private static void writeCsvToDirectory(Dataset<Row> dataFrame, Path directory) {
            .option("header", "true")
            .option("delimiter", "\t")
            .option("codec", "")
            .save("file:///" + directory);

file get code:

static Path getTemporaryCsvFile(Path directory) throws IOException {
    String glob = "*.csv.gz";
    try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(directory, glob)) {
        return stream.iterator().next();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(getNoSuchElementExceptionMessage(directory, glob), e);

file get error example:

java.lang.RuntimeException: directory /tmp/temp5889805853850415940 does not contain a file with glob *.csv.gz. Directory listing:

I rely on this expectation, can someone explain me why it work this way?


  • Output file should (must by logic) contain at least the header line and some data lines. But he does not exist at all

    This comment was a bit misleading. According to the code on Github, this will happen only if the Dataframe is empty, and won't produce SUCCESS files. Considering that those files are present - Dataframe is not empty and the writeCsvToDirectory from your code is triggered.

    I have a couple of questions:

    • Does your Spark job finish without errors?
    • Does the timestamp of SUCCESS file gets updated?

    My two main suspects are:

    1. coalesce(1) - if you have a lot of data, this might fail
    2. SaveMode.Overwrite - I have a feeling that those SUCCESS files are in that folder from previous runs