I have been trying to accomplish this and nothing I searched on the topic so far worked. I have the following code inside a stored procedure:
DECLARE @qty money
SET @sql = N'SELECT TOP 1 @qty = @QuantityColumnName FROM #TemporaryTable WHERE ID = @Id'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N' @QuantityColumnName nvarchar(50),@Id bigint, @qty money OUTPUT', @QuantityColumnName = @QuantityColumnName, @Id = @Id, @qty = @qty OUTPUT;
//this does not execute
Where @Id is helping me loop through a #TemporaryTable and @QuantityColumnName is a parameter for my procedure of type nvarchar(50). The #TemporaryTable has 2 columns, let's say Quantity1 and Quantity2 and, based on some logic, I pass the column name to this procedure and use the value here:
SET Quantity = Quantity - @qty
WHERE blabla
And here
INSERT INTO Stocks(ArticleLotId, LocationId, Quantity, ReservedQuantity)
VALUES (@artLotId, @locId, @qty, 0)
Error message '@qty' could not be evaluated.
I even tried another variant, also with no success, where I tried to store the result inside a table
--Extract and cast result from @QuantityColumnName
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(1000)
SET @sql = 'SELECT ' + @QuantityColumnName + ' FROM #TemporaryTable WHERE ID = @Id'
DECLARE @resultSql AS TABLE(col money)
INSERT INTO @resultSql EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql
and tried to use the result like this:
SET Quantity = Quantity - (SELECT col FROM @resultSQL)
WHERE blabla
Could you please help me and explain what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance!
You can't parametrise an object name, you have to safely inject the value.
This should be what you're after:
DECLARE @QuantityColumnName sysname = N'ColumnName'; --Correct datatype for object names
DECLARE @qty money;
SET @sql = N'SELECT TOP 1 @qty = ' + QUOTENAME(@QuantityColumnName) + N' FROM #temporaryTable WHERE ID = @Id;'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N' ,@Id bigint, @qty money OUTPUT', @Id = @Id, @qty = @qty OUTPUT;