I am trying to setup a callback for the hellosign API in Feathers.JS
I made a simple create like this:
app.use('/hellosign/callback', {
create(data, params) {
return Promise.resolve("Hello API Event Received");
Then, I pointed hellosign API test events at a local ngrok and the ngrok logs show this:
POST /hellosign/callback HTTP/1.1
Host: 175050e3.ngrok.io
Accept: */*
User-Agent: HelloSign API
Content-MD5: YmVlNDVhMWNkNmYyNmJmNmZhYjI3NjQ5NGVlNjUxMjM=
Expect: 100-continue
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------f33003d3a2d6
Content-Length: 449
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="json"
This shows up with an empty object in data
and params
only shows the headers, not including the JSON data in the content
I expected the JSON data to be available in data
I think I am missing something obvious >.<
Is there something different/extra I need to do to extract the JSON hellosign data from the POST?
Solution was to register multer with feathers