Instead of saving data how to update the same object when we didSelectRowAt.
Like offerName "Diwali" to "oct" to without creating new object "diwali" should change to "oct".
How can i do that?
Program :-
let newArray = Discount()
newArray.offerName = offerName.text!
let percent = Float(offerValue.text!)
newArray.segmentIndex = segment.selectedSegmentIndex
newArray.percentage = percent!
//This will go to Create data and save
self.saveItems(category: newArray)
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
func saveItems(category: Discount) {
try realm.write {//Save/Create
}catch {
print("Error in saving \(error)")
Examples below are written with a help of a Realm swift documentation
There are two ways to update objets in realm.
The first option is better for updating single object
var yourObject = Object()
do {
try realm.write { = "Some new value"
} catch {
print("Unable to update object.")
The second option is better for updating collection of objects:
var arrayOfImageObjects = realm.objects(Image.self)
do {
try realm.write {
// Update first item in array
// Here we're updating isNewImage property and setting it to false
arrayOfImageObjects.first!.setValue(false, forKeyPath: "isNewImage")
// Update all images
// Here we're updating isNewImage property of all images in array and setting it to false
arrayOfImageObjects.setValue(false, forKeyPath: "isNewImage")
} catch {
print("Unable to update objets.")