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Running Spring cloud contract test in separate gradle task

I want to run spring cloud contract test cases as part of seperate gradle task named as "asyncContractTestCases" I have configured contract task as below :

contracts { 
       generatedTestSourcesDir = project.file('src/contracttest/async/provider/java')

and created a seperate gradle task to execute these test cases but still these test cases execute with gradle test ( as part of JUNITS). how not to run spring cloud contract test cases as part of junits ?


  • You can change the configuration of Gradle's test execution. You can exclude the contract tests by default and include them in your task

    test {
        description = "Task to run unit and integration tests"
        testLogging {
            exceptionFormat = 'full'
        exclude '**/producer/**'
    task asyncContractTestCases(type: Test) {
        description = "Task to run contract tests"
        testLogging {
            exceptionFormat = 'full'
        include '**/producer/**'