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Bounds and position in entity component system

I am working on a game engine mostly using ECS (not pure ECS) and I've run into a problem.

Some entities will need a Bounds component (e.g. a component that has a Rectangle that represents position, width, and height). Like buttons. Many entities also need a component that contains the position but not necessarily bounds.

How do I reconcile the overlap?

1) If an entity has both a Bounds component and a position component, there will be two positions. Not good

2) Entity only has Bounds component which inherits from position component. Ugly because I have to override the utility methods like translate from the position component and have it update the bounds object's position. Also then the entity won't have a position component, which is weird.

3) Bounds component just contains width and height. I don't like this because then I can't use things like a Rectangle class to represent the bounds.

Any ideas? Thank you.


  • I would go for 3, with a requirement to have a Transform component if you have a Bound component and express the bounds in local frame.

    Using a Rectangle with lower-left and upper-right corners would still make sense since the origin of the bounds are not always the same as the origin of the component.