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How to check if input in input field has alphabets only in express-validator

I'm trying to give error if the input field i.e name not only consists of alphabets in express-validator

     .isLength({min:3}).withMessage('Name must be of 3 characters long.')
     .isAlpha().withMessage('Name must be alphabetic.');

but when i enter "John Doe" in "name" input field it says "Name must be alphabetic" instead of successful validation


  • .isAlpha() method description from validator.js documentation (express-validator is also a wrapper for validation functions of this module):

    check if the string contains only letters (a-zA-Z)

    Your string John Doe contains a whitespace, that's why validation is not succesfull.

    Your validation chain can be this one:

       .isLength({min:3}).withMessage('Name must be of 3 characters long.')
       .matches(/^[A-Za-z\s]+$/).withMessage('Name must be alphabetic.')

    .isAlpha() is replaced with matches(). Validation is successful when name is a string with 3 characters and more (alphabetic characters or whitespaces only).

    Source: validator.js validators