Right now, I am creating a NIC to be used by a VM on Azure but I need the VM to allow port 80. To do so, I need to use a network security group but I don't know how to specify that when I create the NIC for my VM. Here is my current code: nicParams = {
'location': LOCATION,
'ip_configurations': [{
'name': VM_NAME + "-ipconfig",
'public_ip_address': publicIP,
'subnet': {
'id': subnetInfo.id
nicCreationResult = network_client.network_interfaces.create_or_update(GROUP_NAME, VM_NAME + "-nic", nicParams)
What should I add into the nicParams to specify the network security group?
You need to get the ID of your NSG and reference it in your NIC parameters at the first level of the vNIC:
nicParams = {
'location': LOCATION,
'ip_configurations': [{
'name': VM_NAME + "-ipconfig",
'public_ip_address': publicIP,
'subnet': {
'id': subnetInfo.id
'network_security_group': {
'id': '<NSG-ID-HERE>'
nicCreationResult = network_client.network_interfaces.create_or_update(GROUP_NAME, VM_NAME + "-nic", nicParams)
If network_security_group doesn't work, try networkSecurityGroup.