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How to make a controller on Odoo for custom value?

I need to make a custom controller on Odoo for getting information from the particular task. And I can able to produce the result also. But now I'm facing an issue.

The client needs to retrieve the information with a particular field.

For example, The client needs to retrieve the information with the tracking number and the data must be JSON format also. If the tracking number is 15556456356, the url should be


  • The route of that URL should be @http.route('/dataset/<string:tracking_number>', type='http or json', auth="user or public"), basically the method should be like this:

    import json
    from odoo import http
    from odoo.http import Response, request
    class tracking(http.Controller):
        # if user must be authenticated use auth="user"
        @http.route('/dataset/<string:tracking_number>', type='http', auth="public")
        def tracking(self, tracking_number):  # use the same variable name
            result = # compute the result with the given tracking_number and the result should be a dict to pass it json.dumps
            return Response(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json;charset=utf-8',status=200)

    This method accept http request and return a json response, if the client is sending a json requests you should change type='json'. don't forget to import the file in the

    Lets take an example let say that I want to return some information about a sale.order by a giving ID in the URL:

    import json
    from odoo import http
    from odoo.http import Response, request
     class Tracking(http.Controller):
        @http.route('/dataset/<int:sale_id>', type='http', auth="public")
        def tracking(self, sale_id):
            # get the information using the SUPER USER
            result = request.env['sale.order'].sudo().browse([sale_id]).read(['name', 'date_order'])
            return Response(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json;charset=utf-8',status=200)

    So when I enter this URL using my Browser: http://localhost:8069/dataset/1:

    repose of my http request