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WSDL schemaLocation : Is it possible to import a .xsd into a .wsdl using a relative path?

Here is my WSDL :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://xxx" xmlns="" xmlns:ns0="http://xxx/commun/axis" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="http://xxx" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd="">

          <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://xxx/commun/axis" xmlns="">
               <xsd:include schemaLocation="https://host:port/path/WebServices/wsdl/typesServicesApplicatifs.xsd"/>

The typesServicesApplicatifs.xsd file is in the same directory as the WSDL file (inside a war), is it possible tu use a relative path instead of an absolute path for the schema location ?

It would be really helpful, because for now, the schemaLocation is different on each environnment (the host and the port have to be specified).

EDIT : this question is the same as the last one in this thread (with no answer) :


  • Here is a way to achieve this :

    Using Spring-WS, the WSDL can be generated automatically from :

    <sws:dynamic-wsdl id="holiday" portTypeName="HumanResource" **locationUri="/holidayService/"** targetNamespace="">
      <sws:xsd location="/WEB-INF/hr.xsd"/>

    source :

    This way, the host, port and context path don't need to be specified inside the WSDL.