Search code examples

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'iterrows'

I am trying to build a chatbot in rasa. But my class ActionSearchRestaurants is throwing this error:

for index, row in resrnt.iterrows(): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'iterrows'

Here is my class ActionSearchRestaurants that I'm using.

class ActionSearchRestaurants(Action):
    def name(self):
        return 'action_restaurant'

    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        config={ "user_key":"16cde****e0a12d10a7bc8bff6568031"}
        zomato = zomatopy.initialize_app(config)
        loc = tracker.get_slot('location')
        cuisine = tracker.get_slot('cuisine')
        location_detail=zomato.get_location(loc, 1)

        cols = ['restaurant_name', 'restaurant_address', 'avg_budget_for_two', 'zomato_rating']
        resrnt = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols)

        d1 = json.loads(location_detail)
        cuisines_dict={'bakery':5,'chinese':25,'cafe':30,'italian':55,'biryani':7,'north indian':50,'south indian':85}
        results=zomato.restaurant_search("", lat, lon, str(cuisines_dict.get(cuisine)), 10)
        d = json.loads(results)
        if d['results_found'] == 0:
            response= "no results"
            for restaurant in d['restaurants']:
                curr_res = {'zomato_rating':restaurant['restaurant']["user_rating"]["aggregate_rating"],'restaurant_name':restaurant['restaurant']['name'],'restaurant_address': restaurant['restaurant']['location']['address'], 'avg_budget_for_two': restaurant['restaurant']['average_cost_for_two']}
                resrnt = resrnt.append(curr_res, ignore_index=True)

        resrnt=resrnt.sort_values(by=['zomato_rating'], ascending=False, inplace=True)

        for index, row in resrnt.iterrows():
                response = response+ index + ". Found \""+ row['restaurant_name']+ "\" in "+ row['restaurant_address']+" has been rated "+ row['zomato_rating']+"\n"

        dispatcher.utter_message("-----"+ response)
        return [SlotSet('location',loc)]


  • On this line:

    resrnt=resrnt.sort_values(by=['zomato_rating'], ascending=False, inplace=True)

    From the documentation for Dataframe.sort_values:

    Returns: sorted_obj : DataFrame or None

    DataFrame with sorted values if inplace=False, None otherwise.

    Since inplace=True, the DataFrame is replaced with None, which of course does not have a .iterrows.

    Either use inplace=False (or omit it), or do not reassign. (One specific reason for using inplace=True is so as not to need the reassignment.)