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What happens if session window ends before retention period and inactivity gap ends after retention period?

Here is simple session window using Kafka Streams:

  .aggregate(...) // implementation of aggregate function

Using the following piece of code, we can configure state store:

  .as(Stores.persistentSessionStore(storeName, Duration.ofHours(2))

Documentation states:

Note that the retention period must be at least long enough to contain the windowed data's entire life cycle, from window-start through window-end, and for the entire grace period.

We don't apply grace period. But consider this scenario: Session window ends before retention period but inactivity gap ends after retention period. I would like to know, is there a chance of session data loss? How aggressive is cleanup applied?


  • It seems to be a c&p error from TimeWindowed store.

    Compare the code:

    I created a JIRA ticket to get it fixed: