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Using Activated Route param variable in GET request returns null

I have a component that is listening to an Observable that returns information based off of a name provided in a string.

I would like to provide the name to the Observable by passing in a variable of the Activated Route parameter in the GET request. The problem is that when I use the variable within my GET request in the service, the URL is not detecting my variable and the request returns 'null'.

I suspect that my problem lies within my ngOnit in my component. The playerCode in my getPlayer(playerCode).. I'm just not sure why..

If my playerCode is a string and I append that to my URL in the request, shouldn't that work?

In my component:

ngOnInit() {

const playerCode = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('player');  

  switchMap( player => { 
   let playerData = player["data"][0];
   let anotherID =;

   return this.playerService.getSeasonStats(anotherID);


 .subscribe(id => this.player = id);


My Service that is using string variable in the URL:

 getPlayer(player: string):Observable<Player[]> {

let getHeaders = new HttpHeaders({'Authorization':'API_Key', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.api+json'}); 

  return this.http.get<Player[]>(`[playerNames]=`+ player,  { observe:'body',   responseType: 'json', headers: getHeaders,  });    


My app-routing component

 const routes: Routes = [

 { path: 'players', component: CareerComponent },
 { path: 'players/:player', component: CareerComponent },
 {  path: '**', redirectTo: 'players'  }


  • The issue is with your routing. It will match the first route first so your dynamic variable will be ignored. Change your routing to this:

    const routes: Routes = [
     { path: 'players', pathMatch: 'full', component: CareerComponent },
     { path: 'players/:player', component: CareerComponent },
     {  path: '**', redirectTo: 'players'  }

    This will ensure that when your url is players/0203 it would match the second route and not the first one.