This is an assignment I have due Monday and the teacher won't email me back. My code works but it keeps showing 0 as a result and I don't know why and every time I try to fix it, the entire thing breaks. The instructions are: Create a loop that will output all the multiples of 5 that are greater than zero and less than 60 (do not include 60). This is the code that works.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int multiples, count;
multiples = 5;
count = 0;
while (count < 60){
printf("%i \n", count);
count = multiples + count;
if (count)
I genuinely don't get what I'm doing wrong here. I get that I can't just do (count < 60 && count > 0) because I've made the count = 0 but I need to get rid of the resulting 0 preferably without rewriting my entire code.
Just don't start with 0, and it's better, to exactly multiply
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int multiplier, count, value;
multiplier = 5;
count = 1;
do {
value = count * multiplier;
printf("%i \n", value);
} while (value < 60)