I want to track views for stories on my site. I want to use Google analytics to do this. Off the bat Im thinking of doing this:
pageTracker._trackEvent('Story', 'View', 'Title of story');
But I also would prefer to track with the story id as well that is passed in the url. So if I want to run a report in GA I would like to have the option of getting stats by story title or by story id that is passed via url. Is that possible?
GA by default does not strip parameters from the URL when _trackPageview is triggered, so you will see unique pages show up in your reports. For example, these two will show up as separate entries:
Okay, you can use this to get whatever url parameter you want:
function getParam (n) {
var x=new RegExp("[\\?&]"+n.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]")+"=([^&#]*)");
var r=x.exec(window.location.href);
return(r==null)?'':r[1] ;
// example
var story = getParam('story'));
now story
has whatever value the story=xxx URL parameter value is, and you can use story
as your category value in your event tracking argument