I wonder if there is a way to reduce or reuse instances of a wkwebview, since every time a method is implemented on a wkwebview
a web instance is generated and remains in memory, and I can see them all while debugging with Safari:
Every time the same page is shown, the memory consumption increases:
Loading "about: blank" does not solve the problem, as well as wkWebView = nil.
After some research, I found my mistake:
let webConfig = WKWebViewConfiguration()
let userController:WKUserContentController = WKUserContentController()
userController.add(self, name: "interOp")
In viewDidLoad was causing memory leak, since that userController was never been released (and for the wkwebview, too).
My solution is: declare the WKUserContentController in the class of the viewController containing the wkWebView:
var userController: WKUserContentController = WKUserContentController()
reference to it in viewDidLoad:
userController.add(self, name: "interOp")
webConfig.userContentController = userController;
and release it in viewWillDisappear:
userController.removeScriptMessageHandler(forName: "interOp")
Maybe it is not the better way to manage this problem, but it works. When the view will be dismissed, it leave nothing in Safari and release his memory occupation: