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Is there any way that i can get the authors' keywords from Web Of Science database

I need the authors' keywords from Web of Science (WOS) database. This data is saved in WOS, however the search results don't contain keywords but other meta-data, which i also require but i am especially interested in keywords for these documents.

I require around one million articles worth of data. So downloading each paper manually and writing its keywords or using ANN algorithm to write it for me is out of question. I used Master Journals List, and Journal Citation Report for my search queries.

A few sample queries :

Is there a python script, or any other software or some paid version of WOS that i can use to get the keywords for a large list of articles.


  • The only place that this data can be exported is on the Results page using the "Export Option" and "Other File Formats" to export the "Full Records". enter image description here

    I just recieved this answer from technical support at clarivate analytics.