Am new to Elastic search and NEST, I am trying to get connected with my ES server through NEST. My ES Connection initialization looks like below.
ElasticClient client = null;
public void Connect()
var local = new Uri("");
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(local).DisableDirectStreaming();
client = new ElasticClient(settings);
public void ReadAllData()
var x= client.Search<dynamic>(s=> s.MatchAll());
The response is attached as image below,
I am Never getting any Hits, or data. Did i made any mistake in my connector, Also please suggest me good tutorials to convert JSOn ES query to NEST as well.
Looking at the Uri in the screenshot
POST /gisgcc18q4/object/_search?typed_keys=true
suggests that you're using a version older than 7, such as 5 or 6, where document types are used. In this case, the document type name "object"
has been inferred from the dynamic
type passed as the generic parameter argument, but I suspect that documents have not been indexed with a document type name of "object"
, but something else.
If the index "gisgcc18q4" only contains one type of document, you can use
var x = client.Search<dynamic>(s=> s.MatchAll().AllTypes());
Or you can pass the specific document type name to use
var x = client.Search<dynamic>(s=> s.MatchAll().Type("_doc"));
A good getting started tutorial for the client is the elasticsearch-net-example GitHub repository. It is a walkthrough in building out a ASP.NET Core web application to search Nuget packages.