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Verify if Xcopy did Copy Anything

i'm trying to in powershell verify if xcopy did copy something. Thanks for any help.

    xcopy /D /S /E "C:\folder1\*.*" "C:\folder2" /y
     IF %CopiedFilesCount% >0  {

       Start-Process C:\folder3\execute.bat


"0 file copied"

In bat file this code does almost what i wan't. Trying to change "SourceFile" to "SourceFolder" and "DeleteFile" to "execute command or file"

    setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

set "SourceFile=C:\folder1\file2.txt"
set "DeleteFile=test.txt"
set "DestinationDirectory=C:\folder2\"

for /F %%I in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%SourceFile%" "%DestinationDirectory%" /C /D /Q /Y 2^>nul') do set "CopiedFilesCount=%%I"

if %CopiedFilesCount% GTR 0 del "%DeleteFile%"


  • PowerShell will capture the stdout of any command as either a string or an array of strings.

    From there you can use regex to capture the file copy count in the $Matches variable that is created by using -match. Note - the $Matches variable only populates when you pass in a single string. You can use -match to get the right line from an array, but then you need to match again to get your capture groups. "?" creates a named capture group we can access as a property of $Matches.

    $result = xcopy /D /S /E "C:\folder1\*.*" "C:\folder2" /y
    ($results | Where-Object {$_ -match "(\d+) File"}) -match "(?<Count>\d+) File"
    if ([int]$Matches.Count -gt 0) {
      # Do Stuff
    else {
      # Write a message, write to a log, whatever