I am developing an angular app using the 8th version. Inside the ngIf
expression, I want to check something existanse inside array. So I have written the expression below:
*ngIf="questionniare.factors.some(item => item.intensities.length > 0)"
But now I get this error inside the console window:
Parser Error: Bindings cannot contain assignments at column 34 in [questionniare.factors.some(item => item.intensities.length > 0)]
But as see, I don't have any assignment in my condition. So what's the problem and how can I fix it?
(I know that I can define a method and do this job inside that method, but I want to know if this is a limitation on ngIf that I should consider next times?)
The error message mentions an "assignment" but the problem is that you are creating an arrow function inside of the component template, which is not allowed. A feature request has been posted on GitHub, asking to support the creation of these functions in Angular templates.
In order to use Array.prototype.some
in the template, you would have to define the predicate in the component code:
// You can define the predicate as a method
public itemHasIntensities(item): boolean {
return item => item.intensities.length > 0;
// You can also define the predicate as an arrow function
public itemHasIntensities = (item): boolean => item.intensities.length > 0;
and pass that function as an argument to Array.prototype.some
in the template:
This stackblitz is similar to your original code and gives the same error. This other stackblitz shows the same example with the callback function defined in the component code.
That being said, and as mentioned in the question, the simplest solution is to evaluate the whole condition in a component method:
public showElement(): boolean {
return this.questionniare.factors.some(item => item.intensities.length > 0);
Note: memoizing the function would be recommended to avoid performance issues.