i am creating an extension method to check null datarow with c#, i am trying to use the extension method in my asp.net web form code behind but giving me that the method IsEmpty doesnot in the current context here is the code i am trying
public static class IsNullValidator
public static bool IsNullEquivalent( this object value)
return value == null
|| value is DBNull
|| string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.ToString());
public static bool IsEmpty( this DataRow row)
return row == null || row.ItemArray.All(i => i.IsNullEquivalent());
and i call it like this
DataRow[] row =getRowMethod();
if IsEmpty(row){"do some functionality"}
if i changed IsEmpty Signature by removing this keyword to below it works like this
public static bool IsEmpty( DataRow row)
return row == null || row.ItemArray.All(i => i.IsNullEquivalent());
if IsEmpty(row[0]){"do some functionality"}
i need to work with this extension to check any datarow and in future to check any datatable and can i use the below method to check null datatable
public static bool IsEmptyDatatable (DataTable dt)
return dt == null || dt.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Where(r=>r.ItemArray[0]!=null).All(i => i.IsNullEquivalent());
finally i ended up with the bellow solution ,thank you people ...all what you suggested were helpful
public static bool IsNullEquivalent( this object value)
return value == null
|| value is DBNull
|| string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.ToString());
public static bool IsEmptyDataRow(this DataRow row)
return row == null || row.ItemArray.All(i => i.IsNullEquivalent());
public static bool IsEmptyDatatable (this DataTable dt)
return dt == null || dt.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().All(i => i.IsEmptyDataRow());