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How to get user's first name or last name from @context.User?

I created a Server side Blazor application using Windows authentication. And it created the following file.


    Hello, @context.User.Identity.Name!

However, it shows "DOMAIN\username". Is it a way to show the user first name?

I tried to print all the claim types.

@foreach(var c in context.User.Claims)
    <p>@c.Value @c.Type</p>

However, there is only one type with name in it. (with value of DOMAIN\username)


  • You have to go out to AD for that information. But connecting to AD in ASP.NET Core isn't straight-forward.

    If you are only going to run this on a Windows server, then you can install Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility from NuGet, and use DirectoryEntry to bind directly to the object using its SID. The SID is available in context.User.Identity.User.Value.

        var identity = (WindowsIdentity) context.User.Identity;
        var user = new DirectoryEntry($"LDAP://<SID={identity.User.Value}>");
        //Add any other attributes you want to read to this list
        user.RefreshCache(new [] { "givenName" });
        Hello, @user.Properties["givenName"].Value!

    Other attributes you might be interested in:

    • sn: Last name
    • displayName: How their name is displayed in Outlook, for example. Often this is "Last, First"