I have a mutableList of Cars (Cars is a data class). I'm searching a way to find the Car with a specific id in my mutable list. How can i achieve that in Kotlin?
data class Car(
val createdAt: String = "",
val updatedAt: String = "",
val id: String = "",
val number: String = ""
In my CarsFragment.kt:
var cars: MutableList<Car>
// extract Car with id = "89Ddzedzedze8998" ?
Use firstOrNull or find to get the result or null in case no car available with the given id.
fun getCarById(carId: Int) {
val myCar: Car? = carsList.firstOrNull { it.id == carId }
// or
val myCar: Car? = carsList.find { it.id == carId }
Now you can easily check if you get actual value or null, and move further accordingly.