Right now I have some jobs on the WorkManager
that uses this constraint.
wifiConstraint = Constraints.Builder()
work_version = "2.2.0"
implementation "androidx.work:work-runtime-ktx:$project.work_version"
The customers device seems to be connected to a WiFi network but the Job is not getting dispatched (it's set to repeatInterval: 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES
) after 6 hours.
This WiFi network is an enterprise network with a configuration profile.
Is there a way to know if the Job did not meet an established constraint, and which constraint did not meet?
WorkManager v2.4.0 alpha 01 introduces the ability to request diagnostic information from WorkManager using
adb shell am broadcast -a "androidx.work.diagnostics.REQUEST_DIAGNOSTICS" -p "<your_app_package_name>".
This provides a lot of useful information including:
This is only available on debug builds.
Follow original answer, still valid for older WorkManager version and for release builds.
You cannot get this informations directly in WorkManager, but, assuming that this device is running on Android 6.0+ (API level23+), you can get some information about the underlying JobScheduler API used by WorkManager.
Using the command:
adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
You should be able to identify your task with this command.
This will give you a huge output in following categories.
If you are testing on Android 7.1 and higher, then you can force-run a scheduled job using the following command.
adb shell cmd jobscheduler run -f PACKAGE_NAME JOB_ID