Hi i'm trying to save data that i get from this api into my Json column in my postgresql using sqlalchemy and python requests.
r = requests.get(api)
content = r.content
data = json.loads(content)
crawl_item = {}
crawl_item = session.query(CrawlItem).filter_by(site_id=3, href=list_id).first()
crawl_item.description = data['ad']['body']
crawl_item.meta_data = {}
crawl_item.meta_data["ward"] = data['ad_params']['ward']['value']
ret_id = crawl_item.id
my model:
class CrawlItem(Base):
description = Column(Text)
meta_data = Column(postgresql.JSON)
i want to get the value of ward :
"ward": {
"id": "ward",
"value": "Thị trấn Trạm Trôi",
"label": " Phường, thị xã, thị trấn"
I already encoding my postgresql to utf-8 so other fields that are not json column (description = Column(Text)
) save utf-8 characters normally only my json column data are not decode:
"ward":"Th\u1ecb tr\u1ea5n Tr\u1ea1m Tr\u00f4i"
description column:
meta_data column:
i had tried using :
crawl_item.meta_data["ward"] = data['ad_params']['ward']['value'].decode('utf-8')
but the ward data don't get save
I have no idea what is wrong, hope someone can help me
i checked the data with psql and got these:
description column:
meta_data column:
It seems like only meta_data json column have trouble with the characters
Sqlalchemy serializes JSON field before save to db (see url and url and url).
json_serializer = dialect._json_serializer or json.dumps
By default, the PostgreSQL' dialect uses json.dumps
and json.loads
When you work with Text column, the data is converted in the following flow:
str -> bytes in utf-8 encoding
When you work with JSON column for PostgreSQL dialect, the data is converted in the following flow:
dict -> str with escaped non-ascii symbols -> bytes in utf-8 encoding
You can override the serializer in your engine configuration using
json_serializer=partial(json.dumps, ensure_ascii=False)