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I need to display a value as well as the Name of its Origin Host in PowerCLI

I work on a script to get values needed for a checkup of vCenter properties and data, automaticaly via PowerShell script.

At the moment I am at a point where I want to get the average memory usage of all hosts in % as realtime value from the last entry, so you as user you can see all averages and can check them like: if one host would die would the other or one other be capable of replacing him without getting over 100% mem usage.

That's the easy part I use:

Get-Vm |
    Get-Stat -Stat mem.usage.average -Realtime -MaxSamples 1 |
    select Value,Unit

and the output is

Value Unit
0,99 %
0,99 %

My desired output would look like this

Name Value Unit
----- - ----
Test1 0,99 %
Test2 0,99 %

I tried to include

Get-Vm | select Name

which gives me exactly the missing part of my desired output, but I am not so sure how I could include it to be like the desired output.


  • Get-Statprovides you the Entity. So you could use:

    Get-Vm |
        Get-Stat -Stat mem.usage.average -Realtime -MaxSamples 1 |
        select Entity, Value,Unit