I have an xml that looks like below
<ibm:dept bldg="123" xmlns:ibm="http://www.ibm.com/xmltable">
<ibm:employee id="144">
<ibm:salary currency="USD">77007</ibm:salary>
I am trying to parse it using XMLTable function. This is what I have tried -
select x.*,
from xml_tab t,
XMLTable(XMLnamespaces('http://www.ibm.com/xmltable' as "ibm"),
passing t.xml_data
empid NUMBER path '@id',
office VARCHAR2(5) path 'ibm:office',
name XMLTYPE path 'ibm:name'
) x,
passing x.name
firstname VARCHAR2(10) path 'ibm:first',
lastname VARCHAR2(10) path 'ibm:last') y
where t.id =3;
However it's errored out with below error
ORA-19228: XPST0008 - undeclared identifier: prefix 'ibm' local-name 'ibm:name'
Hoping someone could explain the error. cheers!
Data Set up
create table xml_tab
xml_data XMLType
insert into xml_tab
values(3, XMLType.createXML('<ibm:dept bldg="123" xmlns:ibm="http://www.ibm.com/xmltable">
<ibm:employee id="144">
<ibm:salary currency="USD">77007</ibm:salary>
If you want to use qualified names in the PATH
expressions of the COLUMNS
clause, then you need to specify the XMLNAMESPACES
clause ( Doc. ).
So you need to individually define XMLnamespaces
even for the second XMLTable
( alias might change such as ibm2
for the second table by replacing all ibm:
by ibm2:
) :
select x.*, y.*
from xml_tab t,
XMLTable(XMLnamespaces('http://www.ibm.com/xmltable' as "ibm"),
'ibm:dept/ibm:employee' passing t.xml_data columns empid
NUMBER path '@id',
office VARCHAR2(5) path 'ibm:office',
name XMLTYPE path 'ibm:name') x,
XMLTable(XMLnamespaces('http://www.ibm.com/xmltable' as "ibm"),
'ibm:name' passing x.name columns firstname VARCHAR2(10) path
lastname VARCHAR2(10) path 'ibm:last') y
where t.id = 3;