Here is the code
<DxDataGrid Data="@dischargeBoards"
<DxDataGridColumn Field="@nameof(DischargeGetBoardVisits.DischargeDateExp)" Caption="D/C Exp" DisplayFormatString="D" EditFormatString="d"></DxDataGridColumn>
How to fix this issue and how can i change the font size for this grid.
While DxDataGridColumn doesn't have the DisplayFormatString and EditFormatString properties, you can show data in the required format by formatting it manually. So, the algorithm is the following:
P.S. Currently, DxDataGridDateEditColumn and DxDataGridSpinEditColumn have the DisplayFormatString property: DisplayFormatString, DisplayFormatString
As for changing the font size of the grid, set its CssClass property (for example, to the "my-grid" value) and apply the following CSS rule:
.my-grid, .my-grid .btn {
font-size: 12px;