I am trying to display a hamburger menu symbol/icon in a button control in Winforms C# using the symbol's unicode. I tried google-searching but all the results were referring to hamburger menu unicodes for UWP, CSS, Xamarin, etc.. NOT C# Winforms.
The reason why i need the hamburger menu unicode to implement in C# Winforms is the ease/simplicity of changing the symbol's ForeColor via code or properties Tab, rather than having to upload a new image each time i need a different symbol or icon color.
Is there a unicode for a hamburger menu symbol for implementing in C# Winforms or I'll have to upload a new image each time i need a hamburger menu icon with a different color?
Thank you.
You can set the button text to the Unicode value in code like so...
button1.Text = char.ConvertFromUtf32('\u2630'); // "☰";
Or you can paste the symbol in the button's Text property in the designer properties list.