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Open Existing Project with Code Composer 5.2.1

I am evaluating the use of TI Code Composer to support a C program for the TI MSP430 micro-controller.

I can't, however, figure out how to open the project file that I have been working on, with great success, for the last week.

There seems to be no menu item to open an existing project. Likewise, there seems to be no list of recent projects to choose from. The menu option "Switch Workplace" gives me some choices, but all I end up with is an empty project. TI's documentation on "Workplace" is not clear to me and the ability to simply open an existing project file seems most cryptic to me.

How I can I open a project and get back to work?

What is the difference between a ccsproject, a cproject, and a project file in Code Composer?



  • A bit of an update on 10-17-2019

    I am a newbie at using CodeComposer 9.1

    Right click In the Project Explorer window.

    Click on Import, then CCS Projects. You will get a pop up window import CCS Projects

    Enter the root directory for all of you projects (my case C:\Users\DO29629\workspace_v9).

    You will get a list of discovered projects. Check the one you want.

    The proper way to close a project is to right click on the Project Explorer and select Close. You can also right click the tab for the project and select close.