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What is the correct way to add or override "type" in filebeat.yml?

I am working on stashing jenkins logs using filbeat to ELK stack. I need to add or override "type" in filbeat.yml.

Please find here the logstash.conf logstash.conf.jpg

I need to add or override the "type" (highlighted in red in picture) in my filebeat.yml.

Please find the filebeat.yml here:

- type: log
  enabled: true
   - /opt/app/elk/logs/jenkins.log 
  multiline.pattern: '^%{MONTH} %{MONTHDAY}, %{YEAR} %{TIME} (AM|PM)'
  multiline.negate: true
  multiline.match: before


  • To add a field using filebeat uses the following configuration:

    - type: log 
        - /path/to/your/files/*.log
        type: your-type
      fields_under_root: true

    The fields_under_root: true will add the field type in the top-level of the document, if you set it to false, it will add inside the fields object, so you have a field named fields.type.