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hide section in nsis installer conditionally on choice of radiobuttons

How can a section be hidden conditionally on check or uncheck of RadioButtons in MUI NSIS installer Components Page dialog.

I have added 2 RadioButtons, DEMO & BACKUP.

When user chooses, DEMO RadioButton , then Section displayed will be "INSTALL DATA OR NOT", it can be checked or unchecked by the user, & "BACKUP DATA OR NOT" section would be hidden.

When user chooses, BACKUP RadioButton , then Section displayed will be "BACKUP DATA OR NOT", it can be checked or unchecked by the user, & "INSTALL DATA OR NOT" section would be hidden.

IF I USE THE - SIGN, then the section "INSTALL DATA OR NOT" is hidden for BOTH RADIOBUTTON CHOICES, i.e. for DEMO also & for UPDATE also, please help.

Also , there are features of SelectSection or UnSelectSection, but they do not hide the Section, which is what I want, that the Section should be hidden and unchecked.


  • A hidden section has no name so you need to give it a name for it to become visible again:

    !include Logiclib.nsh
    !include Sections.nsh
    page Components InitComponentsPage
    !define INSTALLSECTIONNAME "Install"
    section "" SEC_INSTALL
    !define BACKUPSECTIONNAME "Backup"
    section "" SEC_BACKUP
    Function InitComponentsPage
    ${If} $InstallType == BACKUP
        SectionSetText ${SEC_BACKUP} "${BACKUPSECTIONNAME}"
        !insertmacro UnSelectSection ${SEC_INSTALL}
        SectionSetText ${SEC_INSTALL} ""
        !insertmacro UnSelectSection ${SEC_BACKUP}
        SectionSetText ${SEC_BACKUP} ""