I have discovered Vim a year ago and I am getting more and more addicted to it.
I remapped every key of my french dvorak-like bépo layout to stick to the qwerty layout for the normal mode, as described in "Reconfiguration totale des touches" on this page: https://bepo.fr/wiki/Vim, essentially because I learnt with Vim Adventures game.
It works very well:
For instance, yr
remaps as cl
: the command cuts the character to the right and enter insertion mode.
However, the vim status line displays y for one second before displaying c:
I changed my mapping from:
noremap y c
to this :
map <nowait> y c
without success.
Anyone knows if it is possible to display a remapped operator-pending key immediately, i.e. "c" in my case ?
This has nothing to do with vim-airline or any other plugin.
The pending operator is shown due to showcmd
standard option. AFAIK, there's no way to change this, except to disable it completely (set noshowcmd
), or to patch Vim's source code.