I'm using VS Code and Cucumber extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=alexkrechik.cucumberautocomplete&ssr=false#overview doesn't work. This is my settings.json in .vscode folder:
"cucumberautocomplete.steps": [
"cucumberautocomplete.syncfeatures": "src/features/*feature",
"cucumberautocomplete.strictGherkinCompletion": true,
"cucumberautocomplete.strictGherkinValidation": true,
"cucumberautocomplete.smartSnippets": true,
"cucumberautocomplete.stepsInvariants": true,
// "cucumberautocomplete.pages": {
// "users": "test/features/page_objects/users.storage.js",
// "pathes": "test/features/page_objects/pathes.storage.js",
// "main": "test/features/support/page_objects/main.page.js"
// },
"cucumberautocomplete.skipDocStringsFormat": true,
"cucumberautocomplete.formatConfOverride": {
"And": 3,
"But": "relative",
"cucumberautocomplete.onTypeFormat": true,
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"comments": false,
"strings": true,
"other": true
"cucumberautocomplete.gherkinDefinitionPart": "(Given|When|Then)\\(",
"cucumberautocomplete.stepRegExSymbol": "'"
And this is what I have added to settings.json of VS Code:
"workbench.colorTheme": "Default Light+",
"editor.quickSuggestions": true,
"window.zoomLevel": 0
When in my feature file I get the message for each line: "Was unable to find step for "Given I am on the dashboard page"cucumberautocomplete"
Can someone help to resolve this issue and make it work for VS Code?
Kind regards, mismas
So it finally worked when I:
I. deleted .vscode/settings.json (including the folder)
II. added following in global settings.json of Visual Sudio Code (the one in Users etc directory)
"workbench.colorTheme": "Default Light+",
"editor.quickSuggestions": true,
"window.zoomLevel": 0,
"gherkin-autocomplete.featuresPath": "src/features",
"cucumberautocomplete.steps": [
"cucumberautocomplete.syncfeatures": "src/features/*feature",
III. restarted VS Code
Either is something wrong with the plugin => meaning they didn't implemented as they think it should work or documentation is out dated ...