Search code examples

Need some help regarding my mongodb aggregate query

I have below aggregate query for querying around 9+ lakhs of record:

    "$sort": {
      "lastUpdatedAt": 1
    "$match": {
      "$and": [
        { "lastUpdatedAt": { "$gte": new Date("2019-04-01") } },
          "$or": [
            { "job.scheduledEndTime": { "$lte": new Date("2019-07-15") } },
            { "lastUpdatedAt": { "$lte": new Date("2019-07-15") } }
        { "reduced": null }
  { "$project": { "_id": 1 } },
  { "$sort": { "_id": 1 } },
  { "$limit": 100 }

In above query i have compound indexes created and each field have a separate index also there:

{ "lastUpdatedAt": -1, "job.scheduledEndTime": -1, "reduced": 1 } 

and that's a sparse index because reduced field is not in all the documents that is set by me once i get the result from the above query and after performing some operations in there.

Here's what .explain told me :

The above query took around 100 to 130 sec to return me the result so is there any way to optimise the above query.

Thanks in advance.


  • Hello all i changed my query to find one and i get all the result in less-than 1 sec here's my find query :

    db.getCollection('Job').find({ $and: [ 
        { lastUpdatedAt: {$gte: new Date("2019-04-01")} }, 
        { "$or": [
            {"job.scheduledEndTime":{"$lte": new Date("2019-07-15")}},
            {"lastUpdatedAt":{"$lte": new Date("2019-07-15")}}
        ] },
        { reduced: null }
    ]}, {_id: 1}).sort({_id: 1}).limit(100)