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Flutter: Cloud_firestore will break your Android build if it or its dependencies aren't compatible with AndroidX

I can not use these both flutter plugins together:

  cloud_firestore: ^0.9.0+2
  barcode_scan: ^0.0.8

When run, error occured:

D8: Program type already present: android.arch.core.util.Function
WARNING: This version of cloud_firestore will break your Android build if it or its dependencies aren't compatible with AndroidX.
         See https: // /CP92wY for more information on the problem and how to fix it.
         This warning prints for all Android build failures. The real root cause of the error may be unrelated.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

it compiled and runned on Android phone when I remove one of them. But both can not go together. How to fix?


  • In short

    Add multidex library to android app dependency (/android/app/build.gradle)

    android {
      defaultConfig {
        multiDexEnabled true
    dependencies {
      implementation '' // use latest version

    under android directory file

