I am trying to use REST API for retrieving AppInsights custom metrics and use a filter in the query.
The code to create the metric:
var telemetry = new MetricTelemetry();
telemetry.Context.InstrumentationKey = instrumentationKey;
telemetry.Name = FacebookFupMetricName;
telemetry.Value = amount;
telemetry.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
telemetry.Properties["agencyCode"] = agencyCode;
telemetry.Properties["accountCode"] = accountCode;
telemetry.Properties["category"] = category;
telemetry.Properties["action"] = action;
var client = new TelemetryClient();
The metric is created in Azure when run this code.
Now I would like to use REST API for retrieving metrics and use a filter in the query. When I use a filter
category eq 'cat001'
the query ends with an error
The following dimensions are not valid in the filter clause for this metric: category
The query url is:
The question is, is it possible to filter custom metrics with dimensions?
In the filter field, you should use customDimensions/category eq 'cat001'
The generated url is in this format:
The screenshot as below: