I have a data frame with many columns. I would like to fill the nan's with 0's for the last x number of columns. I used the following code but it doesn't seem to work.
df.iloc[:, -10:-1].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)
What am I doing wrong? when I specifically refer to a column by name:
df['column_a'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)
it works, but I'd rather not do it one column at a time.
A recipe that should work here is
df.iloc[:, -x:] = df.iloc[:, -x:].fillna(value=0)
A reproducible example here is
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1':range(10),
'col2':range(1, 11),
'col3':range(2, 12),
'col4':range(3, 13),
'col5':range(4, 14)})
# pepper with NaNs
df.iloc[8, 2] = None
df.iloc[8, 3] = None
df.iloc[8, 4] = None
# apply fillna change to last 2 cols
x = 2
df.iloc[:, -x:] = df.iloc[:, -x:].fillna(value=0)