my app consists of:
6 components in component folder,
3 JS files in library folder.
inside of component_1 I have a Layout with ref myLayout
one of those JS files myLayoutHandler
manipulate myLayout
(animate it or other stuffs) , when this JS file runs inside component_1 it works. ( it uses : this.$refs.myLayout.nativeView
and this is my problem ) but when it runs inside other components due to the this.$refs.
it will not find the myLayout
So how can I access myLayout
all over the app? Is there something like: global.$refs, or some method like getElementbyId?
You may always use the {N} way of identifying elements. Use id
instead of ref
and call getViewById(yourId) on the Page
The current page can always be accessed from any element Or frame.
If you prefer Vue way of accessing still, you may use $root or $parent, but for every parent above the current component, you will have to chain them.