I have given an amazon api to integrate. But I have no idea how to use this api
mutation createTrail {
createTruckTrailer(input:{truckId: "077",trailer:["AB22D"]}){
The snippet you've been given is an example of a GraphQL query, which can be sent to a GraphQL-enabled endpoint, such as the one you've been given which is hosted using AWS AppSync. A GraphQL query is structured differently than a REST api call; think of it as a structured way of making REST calls. Requests are sent to the ApiUrl you pasted above in a POST HTTP request, with a request body that looks like:
"query": "mutation createTrail {\n createTruckTrailer(input:{truckId: \"077\",trailer:[\"AB22D\"]}){\n result }\n }",
"operationName": "createTrail",
"variables": {}
However additional headers are necessary to authenticate with IAM. The response from the server will include the result as JSON. I highly recommend spending just a few minutes to become a little more familiar with GraphQL here: https://graphql.org/learn/
To make calls to this AppSync endpont from Android, take a look at the Amplify android client, which explains how to get started here (Skip step 4): https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/android/start, and then setup your client to authenticate with IAM to your backend here: https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/android/api#iam
Once your amplify client is fully set up, you can make the GraphQL Mutation shown above by following the steps here: https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/android/api#import-sdk-and-config