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Extracting Latitude and Longitude using python

I'm trying to extract the Latitude and Longitude from actual address.

I have seen some videos that help me to write the following script, but i have an error showing

KeyError: 'Location'
  import pandas as pd
  import googlemaps code
  df=pd.DataFrame({'Address':['9 RUE DU FOSSE, L-7772, luxembourg', '37 RUE DE LA GARE,
  L-7535, luxembourg']})      # Creating a dataframe with 2 addresses (its just an example)              

  df['Latitude'] = None
  df['Longitude'] = None

  for i in range(len(df)):
   Geocode_Result=Gmaps_key.geocode(df.loc[i,'Address'])  # sending a request for each of the addresses

  Lat=Geocode_Result[0]["geometry"]["Location"]["Lat"]  # Extracting the Latitude information
  Long=Geocode_Result[0]["geometry"]["Location"]["Long"] # Extracting the Longitude information
  df.loc[i,'Latitude'] = Lat   # Pass the information into the DataFrame
  df.loc[i,'Longitude'] = Long



  • You need to first install geopy (pip install geopy) and import Nominatim. I have made few modifications to your code to get the output.

    import pandas as pd
    from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
    df=pd.DataFrame({'Address':['9 RUE DU FOSSE, L-7772, luxembourg', '37 RUE DE LA GARE,L-7535, luxembourg']})         
    df['Latitude'] = None
    df['Longitude'] = None
    locator = Nominatim(user_agent="myGeocoder")
    for i in range(len(df)):
        location = locator.geocode(df.loc[i,'Address'])
        df.loc[i,'Latitude'] = location.latitude   
        df.loc[i,'Longitude'] = location.longitude


                                     Address Latitude Longitude
    0    9 RUE DU FOSSE, L-7772, luxembourg   49.789   6.06569
    1  37 RUE DE LA GARE,L-7535, luxembourg  49.7684   5.52118